How do you recommend managing the patient who has a major CV/thrombotic event—a recent MI—who is on a statin and has an LDL-C level of 60-70 mg/dL? How does the ODYSSEY Outcome Trial and/or IVUS studies help you assess the role of a PCSK9 inhibitor?

How do you recommend managing the patient who has a major CV/thrombotic event—a recent MI—who is on a statin and has an LDL-C level of 60-70 mg/dL? How does the ODYSSEY Outcome Trial and/or IVUS studies help you assess the role of a PCSK9 inhibitor?

How do you recommend managing the patient who has a major CV/thrombotic event—a recent MI—who is on a statin and has an LDL-C level of 60-70 mg/dL? How does the ODYSSEY Outcome Trial and/or IVUS studies help you assess the role of a PCSK9 inhibitor? 


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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Medical and Preventive Cardiologist's Perspective


Robert Rosenson, MD

Robert Rosenson, MD

Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine Director, Cardiometabolics Unit Mount Sinai Heart Institute New York, NY