Why is down-titration from a high-intensity statin dose potentially problematic, and what are the pragmatic implications as they relate to PCSK9 inhibitor use in patients who cannot achieve optimal CV reduction with statin therapy?

Why is down-titration from a high-intensity statin dose potentially problematic, and what are the pragmatic implications as they relate to PCSK9 inhibitor use in patients who cannot achieve optimal CV reduction with statin therapy?

Why is down-titration from a high-intensity statin dose potentially problematic, and what are the pragmatic implications as they relate to PCSK9 inhibitor use in patients who cannot achieve optimal CV reduction with statin therapy?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Medical and Preventive Cardiologist's Perspective


Robert Rosenson, MD

Robert Rosenson, MD

Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine Director, Cardiometabolics Unit Mount Sinai Heart Institute New York, NY